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CS Interior Design AS
Adresse: Nobels Gate 23, 0268 OSLO
Telefon: 908 28 544 Faks: 22 55 18 14
Bransje: Interiørarbeid, Kjøkken og bad, Prosjektledelse, Belysning
Nettside: www.ceciliestang.no
Cecilie F. Stang has worked as an interior designer since 1992, during which she has established a highly professional team, which focuses on all aspects of residential as well as commercial design in Norway and abroad. The company’s work consists of renovating, remodeling and redesigning everything from newly constructed properties, country houses, private homes to office spaces and flats.
Selskapet har deltatt på følgende forum: Bygg og anlegg Oslo 11. juni 2009